我喜歡。I like it.How's your new job? (你的新工作怎么樣?)I like it. (我很喜歡。)
我最愛吃比薩餅。I love pizza. *女性常用love表示“很喜歡”。I live for pizza. (沒有比薩餅我?guī)缀趸畈幌氯?。)Pizza is the greatest. (比薩是最好吃的。)
我喜歡這套衣服。I like this dress.I like this dress. (我喜歡這套衣服。)So do I. (我也喜歡。)I think this dress is nice.I think this dress is pretty.
你滿意你的新車嗎?Are you pleased with your new car? *be pleased with… 表示“看中……,喜歡……”。Are you satisfied with your new car? *be satisfied with…“對……滿意”。Are you happy with your new car? *be happy with…“對……感到滿意”。
我喜歡這茶。I'm fond of this tea. *be fond of… “喜歡……”。
比起咖啡來我更喜歡紅茶。I prefer tea to coffee. *prefer … to …“比起……更喜歡……”,用于與某事物做比較時。I'd rather have tea than coffee. (與其喝咖啡不如喝紅茶。)I like tea better than coffee.I like tea more than coffee.
我對……上癮。I'm hooked on… *hook“用鉤鉤住”,be hooked on 表示“對……入迷”。You shouldn't smoke so much. (你不該抽那么多的煙。)I know, but I'm hooked on nicotine. (我知道,但是我已經(jīng)對尼古丁上癮了。)I'm addicted to…
我喜歡喝西紅柿湯。Tomato soup is my cup of tea. *常用于日常生活中,帶些詼諧語氣的表達(dá)方式。cup of tea是“喜歡的東西、對勁的東西”。
我非常喜歡吃日本食品。I've developed a great liking for Japanese food.
我這人很挑剔。I'm choosy. *choosy “愛挑剔的,過于講究的”。I'm picky.
我開始喜歡吃壽司了。I came to like sushi.I've started to like sushi.I've come to like sushi.
簡越來越讓我喜歡。Jane has grown on me.
棒球越來越吸引我了。Baseball grew on me.Do you like baseball? (你喜歡打棒球嗎?)Baseball grew on me as I grew older. (年紀(jì)越大,越喜歡棒球了。)Baseball has grown on me.
看上去挺好玩的。This will be fun!It's our turn on the roller coaster. (該輪到我們玩過山車了。)This will be fun. (一定很好玩。)*roller coaster “過山車”。It looks like fun.
真令人興奮!This is exciting!This is exciting. We'll be parents soon. (這真令人激動。我們就要做父母了。)I can't wait. (我都等不及了。)This is thrilling!
我很感興趣。I'm interested.My hobby is chess. Are you interested in learning? (我的愛好是下國際象棋,你有興趣學(xué)嗎?)Yes, I'm interested. (嗯,有興趣。)
我很滿足。I'm satisfied.Do you want more? (你還要點兒嗎?)No, I'm satisfied. (不,已經(jīng)夠了。)I'm content.I'm pleased.
我很欣賞它。I enjoyed it.That movie was great. (那部電影真棒。)I enjoyed it, too. (我也很欣賞它。)I had a good time.It was really fun.
我被深深地感動了。I was deeply moved. *move用來表示“使……感動,使……動心”。
我不喜歡這個。I don't like it.How about this one? (這個怎么樣?)No, thank you, I don't like it. (謝謝,我不喜歡。)I like it. (我喜歡。)
我最討厭這個了。I hate it! *比I don't like it更強調(diào)討厭的心情。Do you like natto? (你喜歡吃納豆嗎?)No, I hate it! (不,我最討厭它了。)I love it! (我很喜歡?。?/P>
這個真惡心。This is disgusting. *disgusting 表示“很過分,讓人惡心,厭棄”。This is disgusting. (這個真惡心?。㊣t's the worst food I've ever had. (這是我所吃過的最惡心的東西。)
啐!Yuck! *用于感到實在惡心時,或引起不快時。Look at the cockroach! (看那蟑螂?。℡uck! (啐?。?/P>
臭死了!Peeyew! *用于感到氣味很臭時,表示“真難聞”、“這味真臭”。
我不喜歡你的這種態(tài)度。It's your attitude I don't like.You have an attitude problem. (你的態(tài)度有問題。)I don't like your attitude. (我不喜歡你的態(tài)度。)
我對他恨之入骨。I hate his guts. *guts “腸子”。hate someone's guts是“連……的腸子都討厭、憎恨”,表達(dá)強烈的厭惡、憎恨之情。He's so rude. (他如此野蠻。)I agree. I hate his guts. (就是,我對他恨之入骨。)I despise him. (我真看不起他。)
我不喜歡。I don't care for it.Do you like the coffee? (你愛喝咖啡嗎?)No, I don't care for it. (不,我不愛喝。)I don't like it.
看見他就心煩。I can't stand him. *stand “忍耐,忍受,容忍”。Here comes my boss, Mr. Smith. (過來的那位是我的老板史密斯先生。)I can't stand him. (我看見他就心煩。)
別再有第二次!Never again!
我已經(jīng)受夠了!I've had it.